President's Monthly
Fort St Public School and Proposed Kent St Cycleway
Dear Neighbours,
By now you have received a flyer in your letterbox about the Fort St Public School redevelopment from the NSW Department of Education. In particular, the said flyer has some basic detail about a proposed Kent St cycleway.
As many of you would be aware the MPC RAG has been writing submissions, making telephone calls, going to meetings with the proponents of the proposed cycleway with the key message that it is the wrong solution for the wrong road in the wrong neighbourhood. At no stage has the RAG wavered in that view.
The proponents of the cycleway (various NSW Government agencies – TfNSW and Schools Infrastructure in particular) have now announced they are conducting information sessions on their proposal. I think they are underestimating the vehemence with which this proposal will be opposed.
To assist in the two-way communication of that opposition, Karissa Kendall, Project Director for Schools Infrastructure, has kindly agreed to present at our next RAG meeting, this coming Tuesday 8 December at 6.30pm. It is likely to be a Zoom meeting. We have asked Karissa to present on the actual school redevelopment (timing, construction program, etc) but also on the proposed cycleway – and in particular, what alternatives did they consider to Kent St and why were they rejected. A full agenda will be issued before the weekend.
As a statement of the bleeding obvious, this is a very important issue for our community. I believe it is imperative that the whole community support those most directly affected (our Kent St neighbours in particular) as one day there will be an issue that may affect your part of the neighbourhood and you will be seeking the same support and solidarity.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at next week’s RAG meeting as we respectfully listen to Karissa’s presentation and ask relevant questions.
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