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Heritage NSW Survey

The Millers Point Community Resident Action Group has developed a survey approach to help us respond to the Heritage Council of NSW’s community consultation process on the review of “ways to conserve the heritage values of the properties within this historic precinct for current and future generations while providing modern amenity”. The MPC RAG believes this is an important opportunity for our voices to be heard on the future of our homes and neighborhood.


The survey is in three parts. The first survey is relevant for residents who own a heritage home and have undertaken a restoration and renovation program over the last 10 years.


Only one survey per household is sought.


The second survey is for all residents of Millers Point, Dawes Point, The Rocks, and Walsh Bay (terrace or apartment, owner or renter) and is concerned with the built infrastructure of the precinct – the roads, footpaths, park and gardens, the general amenity, etc.


The third survey will be for architects and heritage consultants who have led us through the approval process.


The MPC RAG will invite a cross-section of professionals who have worked in our neighborhood on either a single project or multiple projects. We believe their insight will be invaluable.


All the surveys are anonymous. The data will be collated by the MPC RAG Committee and will help us represent your views to Heritage Council and the City of Sydney on the review of our neighborhood and homes.


May I take this opportunity to thank those who have made this critical information gathering process possible and put in the hours to develop the surveys: Margaret Wright, Kate Cade, and Anne Crabb.


I thank you in advance for your contribution and participation.



Bernard Kelly

President, Millers Point Community Resident Action Group




Residential Heritage Property Owners Survey

Millers Point Precinct Survey

Architects and Consultants Survey

© 2020 MPC Resident Action Group Inc.

Residents of Millers Point, Dawes Point, The Rocks and Walsh Bay are invited to join us.


Contact us via or complete the form.


Official site of MPC Resident Action Group Inc. Produced with the assistance of a grant from Sydney Water.


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