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Fort St Public School Redevelopment

Fort St Public School is being redeveloped to accommodate a larger number of children.


The construction process will take approximately two years commencing in April 2021.


The MPC RAG made a detailed submission in response to the application by Schools Infrastructure NSW (please see attached). Our major concern is the decision by the NSW Government not to construct a new permanent cycleway coming off the Sydney Harbour Bridge prior to the school's redevelopment. This will result in over a 1000 cyclists in each peak period using the local streets of Millers Point to access the CBD.  


This is a significant safety and amenity issue for our neighbourhood.

Fort St Public School Redevelopment: FAQ


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MPC RAG Submission on

Fort St Public School Redevelopment

Our detailed submission to the Department of Planning on Fort St Public School including the traffic implications, particularly the diversion of cyclists on to Kent St.

NSW Government General Response to Submissions

This is the complete response of the NSW Government to all submissions including MPC RAG.


The response to MPC RAG queries are addressed in items 117-126, whilst the MPC RAG Traffic Committee queries are addressed in items 127-129.

Letter from Alex Greenwich

The letter written by our local member, Alex Greenwich, to the Minister for Education.

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